
Four Quick Decluttering Tips

Keep a Shredder Near the Door for Junk Mail. Sometimes I get into a habit of not tossing the junk mail and it piles up on a certain shelf or counter. Knocking it out immediately is much easier to take care of and removes steps that could be delayed or put off for another day.

Have a Rubbermaid Ready for Decluttering. Always keep a container ready for those things you are ready to declutter. This also helps you determine whether or not you use the item, it is a simplified version of the packing party. If you keep the things in there for a month or two and haven’t removed it to use it, then you are ready to donate or sell it.

Bring a Pen with You to Get the Mail. Don’t even bother opening some junk mail, write return to sender or remove from mailing list and leave it in the mailbox. There is no sense in even having to waste the effort to bring the junk into your house. Some companies don’t ever remove you, so it may just be worth shredding like I mentioned above.

Pick an Area to Declutter. Gradually move through your house picking a certain area each time at the pace that makes you most comfortable. Attack the clutter, determine whether you use the items, clean the area, and then plan for the next area to go under the microscope. It could be a daily or weekly task, but do not give up.